Returns & Exchanges
If you want to make an exchange, please see our Returns and Exchange portal here.
We have a 30 day return and exchange policy on all our products. For any exchange, the customer is liable to pay for the postage. Sale items are not eligible for exchange or return as they have already been sold on the discounted price.
Please feel free to read our FAQs if you have any other queries.
- Any damage or faulty product will be exchanged free of cost.
- We only offer free exchanges for size-related fitting issues, as well as for any damaged or faulty products, or refund to store credit.
- We only offer a single exchange per jacket - we do not offer exchanges on exchanged jackets.
- Clearance or discounted products are not eligible for an exchange.
- Customised and Made-to-Measure orders are not eligible for exchange.
- We aim to have all orders delivered within 14 business days, but sometimes there are courier delays outside our control, especially to remote destinations. We do not offer refunds for orders that take longer than 14 days to arrive.
- 30 day policy begins from the date of purchase.